Grenfell Substation – Supply of Control Building

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6 Months


Dynamo was retained to fabricate, ship, and install a 9.6 m x 4.5 m control building for the Grenfell Substation.  Drawings were supplied by Dynamo based on a preliminary design provided by SaskPower.

The building construction consisted of a steel skid and I-beam frame with a purlin and girt skeleton. The outside was covered with metal cladding and then finished inside with insulation, vapour barrier, interior walls, and plywood sheeting before being covered with a flat steel liner. Electrical, mechanical, washroom facilities, and raised access floor systems were installed.  Regular QA/QC visits from SaskPower were scheduled.

The scope of work also included shipping to site, placement and welding on the foundations, stair and septic tank installation, and commissioning of building systems.

Similar scopes of work and the same building designs were completed for the Hawarden, Paradise Hill, Riverhurst, Spruce Lake, and Turnor Lake substations.

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